
Top Picks from Hooligan

At Hooligan, we understand that everybody has a story to tell, and we constantly strive to help transform your ideas into a thoughtfully produced narrative. Here are some of our most loved spots; a collection of exciting, beautiful and heartwarming commercials that impressively bring together a brand’s story.


Snap: Kim Gehrig (Director), Somesuch/USA (Production Co.), TBWA\Media Arts Lab/Los Angeles (Ad Agency), Matilda Sakamoto (Choreographer)

Movement: Elle Ginter (Director), Sanctuary Content (Production Co.), Arcade Edit (Editing Company), Anomaly/Los Angeles (Ad Agency)

Doors Are Always Opening: 72andSunny (Ad Agency)

Wonderful tools: Unknown. See YouTube video.

“AirPods Pro — Snap”

A brilliant combination of editing, music and filmmaking, coming together to form a colorful and invigorating two minute spot. Using exciting color and choreography, this feel-good commercial makes you want to dance along.

“Movement | DICK'S Sporting Goods”

An uplifting reveal of changes in social norms, in an inspiring and innovate commercial. Setting the standard for docu-mercials, “Movement” covers a story that needed to be told.

“Doors Are Always Opening | Uber”

A wonderful spot blending culture, language and humanity. While breaking down these barriers, the commercial depicts travel as a stepping stone between life’s most important moments. Uber brilliantly brings together these vignettes in a well produced spot.

“Wonderful tools — Apple”

Beautiful animation and design, telling a time-tested brand narrative. The message could not be more powerful: Apple strives for cutting edge technological innovation whilst maintaining exquisite design through simple, yet elegant, product creation. The masterly animation between Apple’s products, in addition with subtle sound effects, creates an awe-striking viewing experience.

Anne Gordon