
Tape to Digital: Industry Communication Forging New Relationships

Tape to Digital is a blog series highlighting some of the advancements in the production industry which have enabled us to adapt to modern challenges

The sudden shift from in-house to off-site postproduction, caused by the industry’s response to COVID-19, has blossomed relationships between advertising agencies and production companies in a way that we never thought possible.

The Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP), has become a foundation for intercompany communication, supporting production in a variety of ways. Digital conferences have been held by the AICP on a daily basis, discussing logistical and legal battles surrounding COVID-19 challenges. These virtual meetings have revitalized a sense of community whilst the industry is adapting to new business practices during a stressful time.

“The poolhouse”, a recently relaunched community organization created by a team of freelance producers, have started to bring together production, music/sound, postproduction, photography and business management agencies. They created a directory of individuals and businesses, which is now a valuable resource for advertising agencies seeking virtual production and remote ‘live’ finishing sessions. The poolhouse’s Instagram page has also become a source of “tips and tricks” for managing production from ‘home’. Collaboration between production companies and agencies like these has encouraged the much-needed continuance of excellently produced and edited projects.

Hooligan Adapts

Working remotely is something that’s familiar to the industry, but not necessarily on such a large scale. Contingency planning and working off-site are some of the things that Hooligan has been doing for years. Hooligan has been known for working on the frontline of production, editing for weeks on end in locations that are sometimes in far off countries. We’ve always loved being part of the production process and it’s enabled us to consult in real time with creative teams; editing in parallel on set has helped us to stay ahead of the process. For us, it’s all about being value added.

But this time it’s different. Moving our entire business to a variety of different locations meant we needed to recreate very complex infrastructure. We had to quickly ship equipment, install new software and create secure communication channels. It was daunting, to say the least, but with the help of our dedicated and talented producers, editors, assistants and IT specialists, we pulled it off. We’re busy doing what we do best – getting the work over the finish line.  Long may it continue!

Anne Gordon